Helpful Links to Get Started

Reset your Passwords & Access your Tools

We understand that change can feel a bit overwhelming, but we're here to support you every step of the way. Resetting your password and accessing the tools you need is simple—just follow the steps below. And remember, you’re never alone in this journey; our training guides are here to help whenever you need them.

Log In

Click ‘Log In’ at the top of this page. Then ‘Activate Account’ to reset your password and access your orders.

Back Office

Follow the ‘Forgot Password?’ steps using your Partner email address. Reset Password

The Hub

Follow the ‘Forgot Password?’ steps using your Partner email address. Reset Password


You will need to use the same email address for all three platforms. This is the email that is on your Partner account. 

Training & Support

You have access to training guides to help you through every step of this digital transformation.

We’re here to ensure you feel confident and supported as you continue your journey with Juice Plus+.