Healthy Starts Program Terms & Conditions


To be eligible for the Healthy Starts program, the following criteria must be met:

    1.1.   Sponsors must:

        1.1.1.      Be over the age of 18

        1.1.2.      Nominate a young person the sponsor plays an active role in the life of (as a relative, mentor or godparent)

        1.1.3.      Have a reoccurring purchase of a Healthy Starts program eligible product (see 2.1.).

    1.2.   People being sponsored must:

        1.2.1.      Be between the ages of 4 and 17  to start the program. 

        1.2.2.      Must not be the sponsor.

    1.3.   Both parties must only ever have one active Healthy Starts program account at any single time.



    2.1.   Adult sponsors must have a reoccurring order of one of the following products for the duration of the program:

        2.1.1.      Fruit and Vegetable Capsules; OR

        2.1.2.      Fruit and Vegetable Chewables (Adult); OR

        2.1.3.      Premium Capsules; OR

        2.1.4.      A bundle with one of the above products.

    2.2.   Young persons have a choice to receive free:

        2.2.1.      Fruit and Vegetable Capsules; OR

        2.2.2.      Fruit and Vegetable Chewables.

    2.3.   Adult sponsors and young persons may change their product during the study to another eligible Healthy Starts program product by contacting the Juice Plus+ Head Office.

    2.4.   Adult supervision when taking the product must be provided for children under the age of 6.

    2.5.   Participants are responsible for reading the label and using only as directed.



    3.1.   The young person’s product will be supplied to the same address as the adult sponsor.

    3.2.   Each participant must take the recommended dosage of Juice Plus+ products.

    3.3.   Periodic surveys must be completed.

    3.4.   Participants may not on-sell the complementary young person’s product.

    3.5.   Returns: You must follow the Juice Plus+ Returns Policy and return both the adult and young person’s product to receive a full refund. If only the adult’s product is returned, you will be charged for the young person’s product in full.

    3.6.   Cancellation: You may cancel your Healthy Starts program order any time after the minimum duration (see 4.1).

        3.6.1. If you are on an instalment plan, all payments from your current cycle must be made before cancellation can be finalised.

    3.7.   Reinstating Orders: To reinstate a Healthy Starts Program order, you must meet the Healthy Starts program terms. Orders may be reinstated if it is less then 12 months old, or a new order may be placed if the order is older then 12 months.

    3.8.   Delays: You may delay your next shipment by a maximum of 4 months per calendar year.


4.      DURATION

    4.1.    When agreeing to the Healthy Starts program, you must participate for a minimum of 1 year (3 shipments), unless the 18th birthday is prior to this being fulfilled.

    4.2.   The program ends and free product is charged for when the young person has had their 18th birthday. Young persons are eligible to receive the free products for a maximum duration of fourteen years (if starting the program at age four).

    4.3.   Participants will receive notification that their program participation period is coming to an end. Should a participant’s contact details change, it is their responsibility to notify us.

    4.4  When the young person has completed the duration of the program, the adult sponsor’s account will be charged for all future deliveries of the young person’s products. If you wish to delete the young person’s product after your program period has ended

Please contact the Juice Plus+ Head Office prior to the young person’s 18th birthday.


5.      COST

    5.1.   If all terms are met, the young person's product is fully subsidised by Juice Plus+ and Juice Plus+ Partners and reduced to the charge of $0.

    5.2.   Freight: This is an additional cost applied to all Juice Plus+ shipments. Please note if a Juice Plus+ order is converted to a Healthy Starts order after the adult product has been sent, an additional freight fee will be incurred for sending the young person’s product. For more information, visit our Delivery & Freight Information page here.



    6.1.   By participating in the Healthy Starts program, you are accepting that you will be bound by these Terms.

    6.2.   If you are found to be breaching the study terms, Juice Plus+ has the right to charge the full cost of the young person’s products dispatched to you and you will not be eligible to re-enter the study at any time.

    6.3.   We may change these Terms at any time so you should check this page regularly for any changes. Changes will apply from the date that they are published on this page.

    6.4    We recommend you print or save a copy of these Terms for future reference.

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